El reto consistió en representar una imagen monótona, que nos hiciera recordar esos viajes por carreteras interminables, pero sin incluir personajes, ni vehículos.
¿Lo conseguí?
El trabajo lo he presentado, junto con una acuarela, al certamen de Febrero que convoca "Una idea" .
En Madrid encontré el Oso y El Madroño presidiendo la Plaza de Sol, como siempre, punto de encuentro para los participantes en huelgas, manifestaciones y fiestas.
En esta ocasión recibiendo a los protagonistas de las protestas ciudadanas del 23F.
Estuve allí, recorriendo el barrio de las letras... tenemos la impresión de que nos vamos a encontrar con alguno de los grandes escritores que vivieron y escribieron en esos viejos cafés.
Esta acuarela la he titulado "Paisaje chino"
Y jugando, jugando, con los efectos digitales, he llegado hasta este punto: "Paisaje chino con fondo negro".
Les deseo un perfecto fin de semana amig@s.
30 comentarios:
Sí, muy bien evocada la situación del viaje aburrido. Pero la belleza de la pintura lo transforma. Besos.
I really like your acrylic Road Trip painting. Its perspective makes me feel like I am in the front seat of the car, too!
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art
Love your road trip Marichu. I feel I was there. Thanks for sharing. Happy PPF!
Hello my friend..beautiful pieces!!I love the yellow lines of the road..powerful..I love the road trip feeling..it is a powerful image..it is part of our visual experience when we travel anywhere..very strong and captivating image! I also love the chinese paintings...so gorgeous..the color palette is wonderful..very dreamlike and serene and peaceful..very special! I love all that you share..beautiful art!
Wishing you a beautiful day!
Your Chinese landscapes are PERFECT!
Great work!
Happy PPF!
i was very pleased with myself for understanding your title to me 'boring journey'!! Great painting - I love how the line down the middle of the road draws your eyes off into the distance.
lovely take on the theme. Nice Chinese watercolour too!
all the work this week is interesting and I particularly like the Chinese watercolour...xx
I like your road painting. It is so powerful and speedy even if there is no movement on it. Great painting effect!!
Me gusto mucho tu pintura del viaje en carretera. Me ví dentro del carro viajando. ¡Excelente trabajo!
Beautiful work. Makes me want to take a road trip! Thanks for stopping by!
I like that the "Boring Travel" yellow line seems to levitate and there are mountains in the distance. All the paintings are wonderful. Madrid is bustling. China landscapes are tranquil. Many moods and all very good.
Me gustan tus pintados chinos mucho! Que tengas un buen fin de semano, Valerie
All the three are good...the road looks cool...the Chinese one and its effects are nice too :)
Thanks for stopping by.
It's wonderful what you achieved with the digital effects!
Hola, Abela. Ya comenté esta acuarela en Unaidea. La verdad que tu objetivo lo has conseguido. A mí me gusta porque lo fundamental es que el espectador llegue a la mente del artista y entienda el porque de esa pintura. Las acuarelas con detalles chinos están muy bien conseguidas, además los temas orientales me gusta. Besos y gracias por tu siempre apoyo. Buen finde.
I now want to go travelling and make some digital art.
lovely work!
Me gustan mucho esos paisajes chinos...me relaja contemplarlos
Un Beso
Love the series of your work. especially the road trip.
Totally gorgeous paintings! I love how versatile your style is. :)
Wow. I've really been enjoying scrolling through your posts. You're really talented. I think my favorite painting so far is the child portrait you did a few posts back, but this one of the road is nice, too.
Wow. I've really been enjoying scrolling through your posts. You're really talented. I think my favorite painting so far is the child portrait you did a few posts back, but this one of the road is nice, too.
Wow. I've really been enjoying scrolling through your posts. You're really talented. I think my favorite painting so far is the child portrait you did a few posts back, but this one of the road is nice, too.
Love the boat on the sea...gorgeous!
Gracias a todos por vuestros comentarios y por estar ahí apoyando mi trabajo.
Thank you all for your comments and for being there to support my work.
Has transmitido con maestría la sensación de tedio y cansancio que puede provocar un viaje largo. Has manejado muy bien la perspectiva el color y desde luego las sensaciones.
Mi enhorabuena.
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Sigue con estos experimentos... me trasladan sobre el agua y me surgen pensamientos. Bss
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